The Enneagram Emotional Maturity Model

Understanding The Enneagram: What Motivates Us and What Drives Our Behavior 

The Ennegram has opened my eyes to a more compassionate understanding of myself and others. It has helped me to understand more clearly how I see the world through my personal filter and how others do the same. It is a powerful tool for which we can all understand our own, and others, personel journeys and spiritual paths. Using the Enneagram with friends, partners, loved ones and clients has improved my ability to understand others on a deeper level and provide additional insight into how and why each one of us is uniquely different. There are several reasons why this method can help us on your healing journey:

  • The Enneagram helps empower us to make changes in ourselves and our relationships

  • The Enneagram gives us the opportunity to have better relationships with the people we love

  • Understanding the Enneagram can help us understand ourselves, our relationships and our lives


The enneagram is a way to understand our adaptations to life. It describes the way we react to loss, abandonment, threats of emotional or physical pain as well as what we each look like in growth and how we are motivated. “Ennea” is the Greek work for nine and “Gramma” is something that is drawn or written. The enneagram offers in depth understanding of our core childhood attachment wounds and the adaptations we acquired as a result. To understand the enneagram we start with the discovery process. If you are ready to find out your type and how you can improve your relationships schedule an enneagram discovery session today.

The Typing Process

Finding out our enneagram type is no small feat. Discovering our less desirable characteristics is challenging, it requires the ability to hold positive regard for ourselves in the face of our humanness. Typing isn’t as easy as taking a test. In fact tests often lead to mistyping. Because we often answer questions the way we want to be, perhaps not the way we are, typing through a test is challenging to do. I highly recommend doing a narrative interview to establish your possible type. Often I will have clients “try on” a few types. To really establish for themselves where they land on the enneagram, or to become more comfortable with their character defects. There is no “best type” and we all express characteristics of each type. However, we have one consistent type throughout our lives that is established at birth. Similar to your nervous system, your type has preferences, moving towards, moving against, or withdrawing. Each type establishes preferences early on as a result of the stimuli they encounter. The levels of health of each type determine how we are expressing our gifts or encountering our overworked muscles.

Mistyping What You Need to Know